Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Raspberry Ketone is a natural phenolic compound which is commonly found in Raspberries, Cranberries and Blackberries. According to research, Raspberry Ketone helps in stimulating the production of Adiponectin in the body. More Adiponectin, the body will act as if it’s thin which makes the excretion of fats within the cells a lot faster and at the same time providing with more energy. Adiponectin enhances the muscle’s ability to use carbohydrates for energy, boosts the metabolism, increase the rate in which the body breaks down fat, and curbs the appetite. On the other hand, African mango is known to also speed up the burning of fats within the body and at the same time helps to regulate the level of blood cholesterol. https://images.plurk.com/2B6NIYHuszYn1WicZz11Ws.jpg

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